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Dan Roberts

50 min   |   CIO Imperatives

Dan Roberts has mentored, studied and partnered with thousands of CIOs, technology executives and digital leaders over the past three decades. One of the most influential thought leaders in the space, he firmly believes in the potential of people to shape the future of technology. CIOs appreciate his ability to energize, challenge their thinking, and build and sustain a world-class IT culture and future-ready workforce.Dan Roberts has mentored, studied and partnered with thousands of CIOs, technology executives and digital leaders over the past three decades.


One of the most influential thought leaders in the space, he firmly believes in the potential of people to shape the future of technology. CIOs appreciate his ability to energize, challenge their thinking, and build and sustain a world-class IT culture and future-ready workforce. Dan is passionate about connecting great people with great ideas and has dedicated his career to ensuring leaders and team members have the mindsets, skillsets, and tools to elevate the narrative of IT and innovate the future of the business.

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