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Dr. Felix Oberholzer-Gee 

51 min   |   Better, Simpler Strategy

Dr. Felix Oberholzer-Gee is the Andreas Andresen Professor of Business Administration and head of the Strategy Unit at Harvard Business School, where he has been a member of the faculty since 2003. He currently teaches competitive strategy in executive education programs, and his Strategies Beyond the Market course is a popular elective for MBA students.


Dr. Gee has won numerous awards for excellence in teaching at both the Harvard Business School and at Wharton, where he taught before joining the Harvard faculty.  His research and consulting center around competitive strategy, international competition, and non-market strategy (which studies how companies can best work with government and non-governmental groups). His work has been profiled by media outlets around the world, including ABC Nightly News, Financial Times, Guardian, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and many others. 

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